OPEn-air Laboratories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage hydro-meteo risks
OPERANDUM delivered the tools and methods for the validation of Nature-Based Solutions in order to enhance resilience in European rural and natural territories by reducing hydro-meteorological risks.
Extreme weather events as a result of climate change are having a high impact in European territories and are of global concern. Nature-based approaches can offer sustainable solutions to cope with climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges. However, the employment of nature-based solutions (NBS) for the mitigation of hydro-meteorological phenomena is not adequately demonstrated and still uncoordinated at the European level. Therefore, it is not reaching its full potential. This is where the OPERANDUM project came in.
Across the world, we are facing challenges like disaster risk everyday. Some of us are living in areas where disasters are very likely. Which challenges are you facing in your area? Floods, landslides, storm surges, coastal erosion, drought?
Flooding occurs most commonly from heavy rainfall when natural watercourses lack the capacity to convey excess water. It can also result from other phenomena, particularly in coastal areas, by a storm surge associated with a tropical cyclone, a tsunami or a high tide.
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are defined by the EU as solutions that are ‘inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience’. Such solutions bring more diverse nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes, and seascapes, through locally adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions.
The working-with-nature concept is getting increasing interest in climate regulation strategies, such as carbon emission reduction, forest protection, bio-diversity preservation and in environmental related human activities, such as fishery, agriculture and livestock industry.
We have created a platform for Nature Based Solutions, called GeoIKP. Here, you can find everything about NBS dealing with water- and climate-related risks. It offers you insights in existing successful Nature-based Solutions; an overview on related policies and legislation; a step-by-step plan for co-creating your own NBS.

Cost-effective and fully supported by nature

More diverse nature in cities, landscapes and seascapes

Environmental, social and economical benefits

Increases interest in climate regulation strategies
Open-air laboratories
OPERANDUM’s ambition was to address and overcome barriers through Open-Air Laboratories (OALs). The aim of these OALs was to produce innovation, to drive the change in current practices of land planning and improving resilience to hydro-meteorological hazards, and by producing advancement of state-of-art and innovative nature-based measures in several areas.

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