Results – Newsletter February

Green Roof Performance in Mitigating Urban Flooding

This paper defines a theoretical framework to assess the performance of the Green Roof NBS in mitigating rainfall-fed flood risk. The performance of different types of vegetation used on green roofs in runoff reduction was investigated using a simulation study, which was validated using a real-world green roof deployed in Dublin.

NutSpaFHy-model for identifying hot spots for water conservation and NBSs in boreal forested catchments

A spatially distributed nutrient balance model for calculating nutrient export from forest areas was published as open access article. The demo for OAL Finland is accessible through Google Colaboratory site. The model extends a spatial hydrological model by a grid-based nutrient balance sub-model and a conceptual solute transport routine to estimate total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) export in varying weather and logging scenarios.

Overview of monitoring methods for assessing the performance of nature-based solutions against natural hazard

In a comprehensive study published in the Earth-Science Reviews journal, researchers from OPERANDUM project analysed monitoring methods that measure the effectiveness of NBS – such as wetlands, forest restoration projects, and installation of green walls. The team found that while there is a need for combining ground and remote monitoring methods for holistic assessment, the advances in remote monitoring techniques present a significant source of hope for routinely, continually, and accurately measuring the effectiveness of NBS and quelling skepticism around choosing NBS over grey engineered options.

Read the February newsletter